Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Happy Birthday To My Sister, Cathy . . . .

Honey, this morning we are on the coast of the Big Island, for your birthday.  Wish you were here to have coffee on the balcony watching the surf crash into the rocky coast with us.  A great way to begin a birthday celebration.
I have always been so very proud of you !
The very first time I saw you, you were the most fascinating little thing ever !!!  When my friends would ride their bikes past the house when you were sleeping, I'ld make each of them stop to come look at you.
When I got to watch you grow up, it was wonderful to see you experience things for the first time.  From learning to use the swing, giving me a 'special name,'  all the way thru your entrepreneurial 'dog sitting ' summer to pay for a vacation . . .  to your wedding . . . and the birth of you kids.
I did mention that I have always been proud of you, right ?
A sister is more than a friend.

Love,    Lolly

(Cath, the only photo I have here with us in Hawaii is of you in costume as Dolly Parton. Somehow, I didn't think you'ld want that posted.).

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