Monday, December 3, 2012

Sprout It . . . .

An inexpensive, easy to grow and nutritious way to add fresh greens to your diet, is to start sprouting seeds for your sandwiches, pizzas and salads.  A variety of seeds hold a variety of healthy benefits, including antioxidants.  Try sprouting alfalfa, broccoli seeds, cabbage, celery, clover, garlic, kale, mung bean, radish and sunflower seeds.   The amount of time needed for the seeds to sprout vary on the type of seed used.  (Directions for sprouting :  place 2 tablespoons of seeds in to a quart jar. After rinsing seeds, cover them with an inch of warm water.  Cover the jar with a tight lid, and let the seeds soak for 24 hours.  Drain the soaked seeds and rinse twice.  Lay the jar on its side on a kitchen counter, out of direct sunlight.  At this point, I change the lid to a perforated one, and rinse daily until the sprouts are ready for the table.)
For an alternative to growing fresh parsley indoors:  cut the tops of your carrots and line them up in a shallow glass dish or pan with just enough water to cover half of the cut side.  Every two weeks or so you can ‘mow’ the carrot  greens and use them as you would parsley.

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