Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Early February In North Georgia Mountains . . .

My friend and I arrived at the road sign that read "Bearwalk," well after dark.  

I have heard of this land for several years from friends who study a Native American Path , and remain open and welcoming of other teachings.

The magic and sacredness of this space is amazing !  70 acres surrounded by National Forest . . .

This shot was taken from inside of the main cabin. The morning dew on the glass created this halo effect.  

I probably took over 50 shots of the stream and the little waterfalls . . . but you get the idea of the clarity of the water, right ?
CLARITY. . . .  what a gift the land offers in Her healing.

   This great composition rests near the door of the studio.

The property has several small cabins for workshop students who may not want to camp in a tent on the land.  They are mindfully spaced out and designed.  (This land's steward, Dreaming Bear, had remarked that the addition of the cabins and large octagon building, shifted
the ambiance from poor Appalachia to a travel brochure advertising 'quaint, mountain retreat on stream.')

The daffs alongside of the split rail fence that stretches along part of the driveway are about to 'pop.'

Thank you Dreaming Bear for your hospitality.

At the end of the driveway, dozens of young deer were grazing together.
The white spot to the left of center in this photo appears to be the sun bleached skull of a cow.  (We drive with binoculars.)   

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