Monday, July 25, 2011

'Natchez' Crape Myrtles

They're very popular in the Southern U.S.
Characteristics for Lagerstroemia x 'Natchez':
Natchez crape myrtles grow 20'-30' high, 20' wide in the South. Decidous, the foliage turns a reddish-orange in fall, then yellow. The bark peels off once the tree reaches maturity, attractively, exposing a cinnamon colored trunk, always adding a sleek brightness and year 'round interest.
When the bark is shedding from a crape myrtle tree, do not treat the tree with anything. Following shedding, the wood will look fabulous.

Natchez crape myrtles bear 100's of white blooms from June thru September. The blooms yield to seeds that are brownish and persist through winter. The true white blooms explode against the tree's green canopy.
The Natchez Crape grows very rapidly at 3-5 feet a year.
Combine the outstanding aesthetic qualities of Natchez with its environmental strengths of great cold and heat + drought tolerance, excellent resistance to powdery mildew, good resistance to Crape Myrtle aphids and it becomes clearly the undisputed king of Crapes.

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