Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A landscape with good ‘bones’ and loving care is a delight to each home owner, neighbor and passerby . . . for many years.

The benefits of an established and maintained garden holds positive results resale for the resale of your home, too.




Consider the amount of time you have available to personally maintain your landscape decisions.  Evaluate the benefits of outsourcing to an expertly trained professional.


Know the covenants of your neighborhood before launching into a large project.  (Widening a driveway in Druid Hills is not as easy as you might think.)



            Reducing the size of your turf can save you money, without sacrificing design aesthetic.  This is a good consideration before bringing in a bulldozer.(Lawn grass is costly with respect to irrigation, fertilizing, weed control and maintenance.)

            Will the property hold a water feature/pool, or a play structure?  Are you fencing in for privacy with plant material, or for your dogs.  (Utilizing a design professional can integrate both for your particular needs.)  Is an outdoor kitchen or fireplace a consideration?



            Know what you like, and move in that direction with your design professional.  (Did the trip to Hawaii, or Italy, give you ideas that you can make happen in Atlanta???  Did growing up in South America, or Ohio, hold fond memories that you want to carry into your new landscape?)



            When purchasing an older home, in a city with such an exciting and long growing season, it is a good idea to check with your landscaping professional.

            Often, the matured existing landscaping materials can be worked with to bring years of delight to your home or enhance curb appeal for resale.   

            Knowing effective pruning techniques, which involve the best times of year for the tasks, will have a remarkable and often structural effect.




** Have you considered digging a WELL for your irrigation needs ???  (The advantages are not seeing your irrigation show up on your monthly Water and Sewage statement.)  Though it takes a few years to reap the benefits of the initial investment, it is an option considered by many Atlanta homeowners with significant  plant material.

** Water deeply and less often is a good rule of thumb.

** Water reclamation systems (ie Rain Pillows, rain barrels ….) can be of great support for irrigation choices.

**Engage timers and rain sensors for your automated watering. 

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