Sunday, February 3, 2013

February Snow Storm . . . .

February 2, at 12:30 ish, snow rolled into the area of our cabin.  Snow flakes falling loudly enough against the windshield of the car , to be heard over our conversation.
Our destination was to 'Bear Walk' in Morganton, Georgia.  (Had I not just the week before put new tires on the car, we would have turned around.)
Ice on Roadside Granite
The hour drive from our cabin had me aware that the weather could become treacherous in a blink of an eye. 
It was so beautiful, that we kept rolling on, with the decision to head back well before dark.
By 2:00, 2" of snow had fallen.  By Canadian standards, it's not worth noticing, and certainly would not impact driving, even in the mountains.
But it was different here.
Really, so incredibly rare to see and so gorgeous, I didn't care that we drove at a crawl.
By 4:00, an additional 2" fell.  At 4:30, we had made a safe return to our cabin, where the power was out until 7:30ish.

 I am glad we had the time to hike an hour earlier in the snow on the property of our friend,Dreaming Bear, because when the power came back on the hot tub was just perfect.

The following photos were taken from our deck :



** Sidebar:  This storm and chilling temperatures may have a negative impact on apple production in this area.  Our recent warm weather, may have forced many trees into an early blooming period.  The freeze will kill the blooms.  Without them, there is no fruit.

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