From their website:
Groundwater Foundation Awards Program :
The Groundwater Foundation believes that factually informed citizens are more likely to make responsible and responsive decisions, and become involved in conservation and protection activities. Toward this objective, the Foundation presents sound scientific and technically current information to large and diverse audiences in an engaging and user-friendly format.
Citizen involvement is important because, hidden from view, groundwater is too often neglected or forgotten altogether. Yet, groundwater should become a high priority for us because it functions as an "environmental bottom line." In other words, if a community is actively protecting groundwater it will also be wisely managing solid wastes, toxins, and surface water because, due to gravity, pollution eventually impacts groundwater.
Groundwater is an important natural resource which provides drinking water and irrigation water. While surface water often defines political boundaries, groundwater defies them. By hydrologically connecting lands and communities through unseen paths, groundwater reminds us that we are connected to each other and to the other natural resources that sustain us.
With this in mind, The Groundwater Foundation created its Awards Program to honor those individuals who create a legacy of groundwater protection through local action, education, and government service.
The Groundwater Foundation National Awards Program is currently seeking co-sponsors. If your organization would like to be a co-sponsor, please contact us.
Maurice Kremer Groundwater Achievement Award
1986: Vincent Dreeszen
1987: Maurice Kremer
1988: Eugene Reed
1989: Val Kuska
1990: Warren Fairchild
1991: Ralph Marlette
1992: Ted Filipi
1993: Robert B. Crosby
1994: Virginia Smith
1995: Fred Salmon and Family
1996: Frank A. Smith
1997: Robert B. Daugherty
1998: Les Sheffield
1999: Richard Harnsberger
2000: Wayne Madsen
2001: Jim Goeke
2002: Eugene Haarberg
2003: Chris Beutler
2004: Darrell Watts
2005: Roger Patterson
2006: Senator Ed Schrock
2007: Jim Cook
2008: Ann Bleed
2009: Vance Anderson
2010: J. Michael Jess
2011: Lee Orton
Vern Haverstick Groundwater
Hero Award
1996: Vern Haverstick, Texas
1997: Bonnie Holz, Minnesota
1998: Janet Person, Michigan
1999: Dennis Gumbert, Kentucky
2000: Frank Coss, Puerto Rico
2001: Bill Compton, Illinois
2002: Reverend Gayl Fowler, Virginia
2003: William Crawford, Tennessee
2006: Dennis Coryell, Colorado
Edith Stevens Groundwater
Educator Award
1997: Edith Stevens, Pennsylvania
1998: Tom Cech, Colorado
1999: Sharon Lien, California
2000: Melissa Henke, Wyoming
2001: Joan Jessen, Pennsylvania
2002: Dr. Robert Williams, Illinois
2003: Patricia Welch, Illinois
2004: Stuart Perlmeter, Oregon
2005: Arlene Hanna Lincoln, Nebraska
2006: Rhonda Artho, Texas
E. Benjamin Nelson Government
Service Award
1998: Nebraska Governor E. Benjamin Nelson
1999: Arkansas State Governor James Scott
2000: California State Senator David Kelley
2001: CPNRD Dist. Gen. Manager Ron Bishop
2002: Phillip Anthony, California
2004: Steve Vandas, Colorado
2005: Dennis Nelson, Springfield, Oregon
2006: Bill Schatz, Nebraska
2007: Dr. William Alley, California
Youth Award for Excellence and Leadership in Groundwater
2004: SNWA Student Advisory Council, Nevada
2006: Jami Harper, Nebraska
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