Tuesday, January 8, 2013

For My Zone 9 -10 - 11 Friends . . . .

On your next trip to the beach, collect dead seaweed that has washed up onto the shore.
Bring it home and rinse off salt and debris.
Allow the seaweed to lay onto the top of your garden soil to dry.
Work it into your soil prior to planting. (I am promoting use of cultivating forks over tillers these days, following articles on 'sequestered carbon' in the soil.)
If you have an abundance of it readily available, continue collecting it while at the beach, and incorporate it into your mulching routine. It will be a positive soil conditioner plus help rid the garden of some insects and other pests.
***If  you have access to a pond or river, consider harvesting eel grass.
This was done by the Sustainable Kashi Team & posted on their facebook page in December 2012:
"Sheet mulching or lasagna layering the garden beds. Below this layer of nitrogen rich eel grass harvested from our sacred Ganga pond are several truck loads of horse manure layered in with straw/hay, wood chip, and rough kitchen compost."
 Before . . . .
Within just a few weeks of the first photo, taken December 2012, they have achieved this Mandala Garden.
Isn't lovely ????   
Permaculture is a loving exercise and well worth the work.


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