Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Project Feeder Watch . . .

The Cornell Lab of Ornithology invites you to join Project FeederWatch!

• Count birds at your feeders in winter and send your tallies to the Lab
• By participating, you'll enjoy learning even more about the birds at your feeders
• Your observations will help scientists understand what's happening with birds across the U.S. and Canada

Visit the FeederWatch website for more information about the project, as well as bird-feeding and identification tips, bird photos, and the FeederWatch blog. We request a small participation fee to offset the costs of data analysis and materials, including an instructional kit with a bird identification poster. Project participants also receive Winter Bird Highlights, our annual summary mailed each fall, and Living Bird News, the quarterly newsletter of the Cornell Lab.

***  Don't forget that recycling your holiday tree, into your backyard, for the birds is a wonderful option for them.
Keep on providing fresh, unfrozen water for them to drink.  (My favorite winter feeder is a plastic tray / dish that I could put under a pot.  I can easily pop out the ice & refresh the water.)

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