Sunday, December 30, 2012

Landscape of Cabbage . . . .

We have gotten some freezing weather in Atlanta !!!
When this week's cold front rolled in, I decided to make soup. . . .  didn't have any wide noodles, so I cut strips of cabbage as a substitute, adding it during the final few minutes of cooking.
The soup was delicious, but not as interesting as the interior landscape of the cabbage.
I loved what this humble cabbage was waiting to reveal.
When I first began writing this blog, I couldn't help but acknowledge how my work is a metaphor for my life.  This reinforces my gratitude a zillion times a day. 
There are so many tender layers within everything and everyone.
Some write about the layers of onions . . .  others look to the 1000 petal lotus.
And then  . . . there is the cabbage . . . .


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